Phacoemulsification with IOL Implantation Sample Report

1.  Nuclear sclerotic cataract of the left eye.
2.  Astigmatism.

1.  Nuclear sclerotic cataract of the left eye.
2.  Astigmatism of the left eye.

1.  Phacoemulsification with IOL implantation, left eye.
2.  Limbal relaxing incisions of the left eye.



ANESTHESIA: Retrobulbar injection with monitored anesthesia care.


INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: Poor visual functioning in the left eye.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room and laid in the supine position for phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. Cardiac and blood pressure monitoring devices were applied. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for phacoemulsification with IOL implantation and limbal relaxing incisions of the left eye.

A lid speculum was then placed. A 5 mm area was measured traveling in the 95 degree position and viscoelastic was placed on the cornea in this position. A 550 micron guarded blade was then used a make a limbal relaxing incision for 5 mm at the 95 degree axis.

Following this, an eye knife was used to make a paracentesis wound at the 5 o’clock position. Viscoelastic was then injected into the anterior chamber through this incision.

Following this, a temporal clear corneal incision was made using a 2.75 mm keratome blade at the 2 o’clock position. Through this incision, a cystitome needle was inserted into the eye and a continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis was made in the anterior lens capsule.

Following this, the nucleus was hydrodissected and rotated and then the phaco needle was placed into the eye. The nucleus was grooved and split into several quadrants and it was then subsequently phacoemulsified and removed from the eye.

Following this, the I/A handpiece was inserted into the eye and all remaining cortex was aspirated.

Following this, the capsular bag was inflated using Healon. An SA60AT lens, that was 22.5 diopters in strength, was then placed into the capsular bag and rotated into position.

The I/A handpiece was then inserted into the eye, and all remaining viscoelastic was aspirated. The wounds were then checked for leaks and found to have none. A drop of Betadine, 4% pilocarpine, and Alphagan were placed in the eye. The lid speculum was removed, and a light patch was applied along with an eye shield.

The patient was then brought to the recovery area in good condition with instructions to follow up the following morning.