Wart Lesion Medical Transcription Sample Report

CHIEF COMPLAINT: Wart on foot.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a (XX)-year-old female who presents to the clinic with mother due to concerns for a wart. The patient states that over the past several weeks, she has had difficulty with a painful wart present on the bottom of her right foot.

She states that at first it was just an ant bite but then it changed more to a verrucous type of lesion. She states that it is on the arch of her foot and does hurt when she walks.

There are 2 other family members who also had warty lesions recently. She would like it to be treated today in clinic.

MEDICATIONS: No routine medications.

ALLERGIES: No known drug allergies.

VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.6. Weight 59 kilos. Height 156.6 cm. BMI of 24.1.
GENERAL: Alert, in no acute distress.
HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Conjunctivae are clear. Tympanic membranes are clear bilaterally. Nares are patent and free of discharge. Oropharynx is pink and moist.
NECK: Supple.
LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.
HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.
ABDOMEN: Benign.
SKIN: Reveals approximately an 8 mm verrucous lesion on the arch of her right foot. There is some surrounding erythema and it is tender to palpation.

ASSESSMENT: The patient is a (XX)-year-old female with viral wart.

PLAN: The patient’s wart was treated with liquid nitrogen here in our clinic. It was treated with 3 separate thaw and free cycles. Discussed with the patient that this may need further treatments in the future if it does not resolve with the first regimen.

Discussed that she should try not to pick at this lesion because it may cause her wart to spread. Warning signs to return to clinic were reviewed. Otherwise, follow up as needed.